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Garðplöntusala Garðaflóru


allar tegundir í plöntusölunni eru á afslætti út september

20 % afsláttur af öllum haustlaukum á meðan birgðir endast

Enn eru margar fallegar tegundir eftir.

Hægt að sækja eða fá sent um allt land með

Dropp eða Íslandspósti.

2023-07-21 17-27_9427-tjörnin-yfirlitsmynd-salix-arbusculoides-blika.JPEG

Garðaflora in a nutshell

The essentials needed to create a thriving garden

Online store

Perennials, seeds, flower bulbs and other gardening products. On-site pick up or delivery options available.

Joy of Gardening

Subscription service offering Information and instructions about varied aspects of gardening.

Book icon - link to gardening guide

The garden flora

Information about garden plants grown in Iceland 

Leaf icon - link to plant information section

Plant selection advice

Consultation service offering on-site advice in home gardens in the Reykjavík area or via Zoom. A guided visit to Garðaflóra's garden for inspiration is also available.

Advice icon - link to booking plant selection advice
Letter stamps

Verið fyrst með fréttirnar!

Fjölbreytt fræðsla í áskrift

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