Flowering Evergreen Shrubs
Shrubs that often have large, colourful flowers,
but don't shed their leaves in fall.
Most species covered here belong to the Ericaceae family.
Rhododendron and other plants in the Ericaceae family, grow best in humus rich, acidic, evenly moist soil.
Calluna is a genus of only one species in the Ericaceae family, native to Europe and Asia Minor. A number of cultivars with varied flower and foliage colours are grown in gardens.
Calluna vulgaris
Erica - Heather
Erica is a large genus of around 800 species in the family Ericaeae. The greatest species diversity is in S-Africa, but species are also native to other parts of Africa and Europe.
Erica cinerea
Erica carnea
Erica tetracalyx
'Alba Mollis'
Gaultheria is a large genus of around 135 species in the Ericaeae family. They are evergreen shrubs native to Asia, Australia and N- and S-America. Species native to the southern hemisphere were grouped in a separate genus, Pernettya, but have now been moved to the genus Gaultheria. The flowers are bell-shaped, white or pink.
Gaultheria miqueliana
Gaultheria procumbens
Kalmia is a small genus of around 10 species in the Ericaceae family, native to N-America. The leaves are toxic and can cause poisoning in live stock. The flowers can be white, pink or purple.
Rhododendron is a very large genus of over 1000 species in the family Ericaceae. Most are native to Asia and a few to N-America. They are deciduous or evergreen shrubs with large flowers in all colors of the spectrum except bright blue. Most of the deciduous varieties are too tender for the Icelandic climate.
Rhododendron catawbiense
Rhododendron impeditum
Rhododendron yakushimanum
Hebe are evergreen shrubs native to New Zealand. They need a sunny, sheltered space in well drained soil.
Hebe is a genus of around 90 species in the Plantaginaceae family. Their main distribution area is in New Zealand, but a few species are also native to S-America. The genus is closely related to the genus Veronica and some botanists include the Hebe species in that genus.
Hebe ochracea
'James Sterling'
Hebe odora
Hebe pinguifolia