The dawn of modern roses is most often considered to be the creation of the first hybrid tea in 1867.
Hybrid Teas
Hybrid teas were created by crossing the tender tea roses with more hardy everblooming hybrids. The result was stunning plants that were hardy in most of W- and Central-Europe, everblooming, with large, elegantly shaped flowers in all colours of the spectrum except blue. They are still the most popular garden roses on the planet. Unfortunately, very few are hardy enough to grow here in Iceland. There are a few exceptions, but those need the very best place in the sun, winter protection and a fair amount of coddling to flower.
Hybrid Musks
Hybrid Musks were created by crossing hybrid teas with the climber R. multiflora. Most were created in Britain and Germany between 1913 and the second World War. They are ever blooming shrubs (climbers in warmer climates) with large clusters of fairly small flowers, either single or double and usually fragrant. They are a bit tender for Icelandic conditions, although it's unclear how many cultivars have been tried here. Most likely they need the same amount of care and coddling as the hybrid teas.
Hybrid Musks
Hybrid Musks were created by crossing hybrid teas with the climber R. multiflora. Most were created in Britain and Germany between 1913 and the second World War. They are ever blooming shrubs (climbers in warmer climates) with large clusters of fairly small flowers, either single or double and usually fragrant. They are a bit tender for Icelandic conditions, although it's unclear how many cultivars have been tried here. Most likely they need the same amount of care and coddling as the hybrid teas.

Hybrids between hybrid teas and descendants of R. multiflora. They are similar in appearance to the hybrid teas, except the flowers are borne in clusters. Like the hybrid teas they are tender here and need a fair amount of coddling and TLC to flower.

Hybrids of varied climbing species such as R. arvensis, R. banksiae, R. sempervirens, R. setigera og R. beggeriana. Most are very vigorous climbers, single flowering with small flowers in large clusters.
Modern Shrub roses
In this category are roses bred in the last century that don't fit in any of the categories above. They often resemble large hybrid teas or floribundas and don't resemble shrubs in any way, shape or form here in Iceland. Some are more hardy than the above mentioned categories.
Modern climbers are in fact very tall, modern shrub roses rather than true climbers. Most are repeat bloomers. They don't grow very tall her in Iceland and are therefore grouped with the modern shrub roses.

David Austin English roses
Modern shrub roses bred by David Austin in Britain. They have large, fragrant, very double flowers resembling the old garden roses, but with a wider colour range and are repeat flowering. They are often grouped separately as Austin or New English Roses.

Explorer roses
Modern shrub roses bred in Canada to create very frost hardy roses. Hardy species roses have been crossed with the hardiest of modern hybrids to create these roses. Many are Rugosa hybrids that grow very well in Iceland. They are grouped with the Rugosas here.

Parkland roses
Modern shrub roses bred in Canada like the Explorer roses, but not as hardy here in Iceland.

Miniflora roses
A new rose category approved by the American Rose Society in 1999. They are smaller than the floribundas, but larger than miniature roses.

Ground cover/Procumbent roses
Modern shrub roses that are procumbent, i.e. have more width than height.