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Lathyrus odoratus 'Beaujolais'
  • Lathyrus odoratus 'Beaujolais'

    Sweet Peas


    Sweet peas are annual climbing plants that can grow up shrubs, trellises or anything they can get a hold of. They bloom large, often very fragrant flowers, in most colors except yellow. Can reach a height of over 2 m.


    'Beaujolais' blooms dark burgundy flowers.


    Sow in March - April. Seeds soaked in warm water for 24 hours. before it is sown. Cover the seeds and keep at room temperature until germination. Germination can be expected after 2 weeks at 15-18°C. It is best to sow 5-6 seeds in a sowing box and then transplant the intact clump to a 2 l pot to grow forward. Sweet pea seedlings do not grow well at room temperature, it is best if the temperature is below 15°C.


    10 seeds per packet

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      Only 5 left in stock

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