Lilium FantAsiatic Pink Hot Spot
Asíublendingur (Dwarf Asiatic)
Asíublendingar eru yfirleitt fjölærir hér á landi, ef vaxtarskilyrðin eru rétt. Þeir blómstra 10-15 cm breiðum blómum sem vísa upp á við og fást í miklu litaúrvali. Liljur í FantAsiatic seríunni eru sagðar blómstra ríkulega og verða ekki nema 30 cm á hæð.
'Pink Hot Spot' blómstrar bleikum blómum með vínrauðri miðju.
3 stk í 2 l potti
Lilies are beautiful garden plants that belong to the genus Lilium in the lily family (Liliaceae). Many are perennial here, such as the Asiatic hybrids, and they do not need pre-cultivation indoors. They can be planted directly in the spring. The should be planted in a sunny and sheltered place, where the soil is fertile, well-drained and rich in organic matter.
Other types of lilies, such as the Oriental lilies, are more sensitive and will not live long outdoors in Iceland. They can be grown in pots and stored in a greenhouse or cold storage during the winter months.
Tall varieties need good support.