perennial plants
Perennial plants are herbaceous plants which die back to the ground during winter and grow back in spring. Some can be left undisturbed for years while others need to be divided every few years to maintain their vigour. You can find a perennial plant for any situation, whether it's a stone wall or a shady corner. Some are grown for their flower displays, others for their beautiful foliage. Evergreen perennials and half-shrubs are included in this category.
Hedysarum is a genus of around 300 species in the family Fabaceae, native to Eurasia, N-Africa and N-America. með heimkynni í Evrasíu, N-Afríu og N-Ameríku. They need deep, fertile soil as they are deep rooted and dislike being disturbed.
Helleborus - Hellebores
Helleborus is a genus of around 20 species in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, native to Eurasia, the majority on the Balkan peninsula. They are evergreen plants that thrive in fertile, fairly alkaline soil in semi shade.
Helleborus x hybridus
Hemerocallis - Daylilies
Hemerocallis, is a genus of 19 species, formerly in the lily family, Liliaceae, but have recently been moved to the family Asphodelaceae. Daylilies are native to Eurasia, the majority to E-Asia. They are popular garden plants and there are over 60.000 registered cultivars. The name of the genus is derived from the fact that each flower rarely lasts longer than one day.
Hepatica is a small genus in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, native to Europe, Asia and N-America. They are evergreen, spring-flowering, woodland plants which thrive best in chalky soil and some shade.
Hesperis is a genus of 24 species in the family Brassicaceae, mainly native to the eastern Mediterranean. Only one plant is common in gardens.
Heuchera - Coral bells
Heuchera is a genus of 30 species in the family Saxifragaceae, all native to N-America. Their common features are clumps of leaves which are often variegated or coloured and spikes of small, bell shaped flowers. Many cultivars are grown in gardens.
Heuchera - Coral bells
Heuchera is a genus of 30 species in the family Saxifragaceae, all native to N-America. Their common features are clumps of leaves which are often variegated or coloured and spikes of small, bell shaped flowers. Many cultivars are grown in gardens.
Hieracium - Hawkweed
Hieracium, is a large genus in the aster family, Asteraceae, that recently has been split into two genera , Hieracium and Pilosella. The differentiating factor is that the species now classified as Pilosella have smooth leaves and spread with runners. Species still classified as Hieracium can form seeds asexually, so the number of species isn't clear. They grow in dry grasslands in full sun.
Hornungia - Snæbreiður
Hornungia, is a small genus of three species native to mountain regions of Eurasia. It belongs to the Brassicaceae family and was formerly named Pritzelago and before that Hutchinsia , both of which are accepted synonyms.
Hosta is a genus of shade tolerant plants in the family Asparagaceae which are mainly grown for their varied foliage colour. They are native to NE-Asia, most species grown in gardens originate from Japan.
Hosta x. hybr.
Hosta fortunei
'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
Hosta tardiana
Hosta undulata
Hypericum - St. John's wort
Hypericum is a large genus of around 490 species in the family Hypericaceae, with a fairly global distribution. The genus includes perennials, shrubs and small trees, all with yellow flowers with prominent stamens.