perennial plants
Perennial plants are herbaceous plants which die back to the ground during winter and grow back in spring. Some can be left undisturbed for years while others need to be divided every few years to maintain their vigour. You can find a perennial plant for any situation, whether it's a stone wall or a shady corner. Some are grown for their flower displays, others for their beautiful foliage. Evergreen perennials and half-shrubs are included in this category.

Galium is a large genus in the family Rubiaceae, with over 600 species. Most are not sought after garden plants, but there are some exceptions. Four species are native to Iceland.

Gentiana - Gentians
Gentiana is a large genus of around 400 species in the family Gentianaceae. It's distribution is alpine and temperate regions in Europe, Asia and America. The signature feature of the genus are exceptionally blue, trumpet shaped flowers.

Geranium - Cranesbills
Geranium is a large genus in the Geraniaceae family, which includes many excellent garden plants. It's distribution covers temperate regions of the world, with most species around the eastern Mediterranean.
Geranium cinereum
Geranium macrorrhizum
Geranium maculatum
Geranium wallichianum

Geum - Avens
Geum is a genus in the rose family, Rosaceae, closely related to Potentilla, but unlike them the avens flower for a long time. They grow wild in Europe, Asia, America, Africa and New Zealand. Most prefer full sun, but don't have any special soil requirements.

Gillenia is a genus in the rose family, Rosaceae. of only two species. Both are woodland plants native to the east coast of N-America, where they grow in dry woodlands. They prefer slightly acidic soil.

Gypsophila - Baby's breath
Gypsophila is a genus in the family Caryophyllaceae, with a wide distribution around Eurasia, Africa and Oceania, with the greatest number of species in Turkey. They have a deep root system and dislike being disturbed. They grow best in deep, well drained soil in full sun.
Gypsophila paniculata
Gypsophila repens